My courses are structured around individual and small-group discussion, close readings of primary texts, and active engagement (presentations and workshops). A central goal is to cultivate a community of engaged reasoners that prize reasoning effectively and comprehensively, refining abilities to articulate diverse viewpoints, and the ability to immerse oneself in alternate or opposing perspectives, viewing the alternative(s) in its most favourable light for the sake of understanding. Habituation of this process cultivates an inner dialectic that is constitutive of excellence in education.
In terms of metrics, my teaching methodology has garnered favourable feedback. Faculty peer-reviews have awarded me an average score of 4.8 out of 5 in USA courses and 4.5 of 5 among student (90-96%) (with 5 being the highest). In Germany teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in German on Hegel's Philosophy of Mind, and Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment, students rate my teaching a 1.5 out of 6 average with 1 being the highest. Students find even the most challenging material, such as Hegel's Logic, accessible and rewarding via such a pedagogical approach. Below are a select sampling of recent courses and seminars. Syllabi and evaluations are available on request.
philosophy of action, ethics, mind
(2024) graduate seminar
ethical theory, meta ethics, phil. action
(2024) undergraduate seminar
ethical theory
(2025) postgraduate seminar (in German)
Kantian ethics, Hegelian ethics, Aristotelian ethics, and Mill's Utilitarianism
(2019) undergraduate seminar
ethics and jurisprudence
(2019) undergraduate course
applied ethics: issues in technology, and medicine
(2018) undergraduate course
epistemology, metaphysics, and mind (2024) undergraduate course (in German)
philosophy of action, ethics, mind
(2024) graduate seminar
philosophy of mind
(2020) undergraduate course
epistemology, metaphysics, and mind (2021) graduate seminar
epistemology, metaphysics, and mind
(2021) graduate seminar
Skepticism, Idealism, Coherentism, Constructivism (2020) undergraduate
aesthetics and philosophy of mind
(2023) graduate seminar (in German)
philosophy of action, ethics, mind
(2023) undergraduate course
aesthetics and mind
(2021) undergraduate seminar
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